

价格 免费

Software installation

安装包: Anaconda 

  1. dir:www.anaconda.com/download
  2. download Anaconda 5.2 for windows installer
  3. install Anaconda3 with the default setup.
  4. Skip "Install Microsoft VSCode" / we will use "pycharm" instead of  it
  5. update Anaconda
    • run "Anaconda Prompt"
    • software update by code:
      conda update conda
    • update software other packages by code:
      conda update --all

      Note: that's the best way to update the packages that released by the developer.  ( the relationship between packages has been maintained)

    • Exit Anaconda Prompt
    "Ctrl + Z" press "Enter"
    "exit" press "Enter"

 IDE: PyCharm

  1. dir: www.jetbrains.com/
  2. download pycharm-community 
  3. install "PyCharm community edition" with the default setup
  4. finish setup and Run Pycharm
  5. select " Do not import settings"
  6. " download featured plugins"-- not right now
  7. "Configure->Setting" before your new Project. 
  8. select"Change font size with Ctrl + Mouse Wheel" under Fonts -> Editor -> General.
  9. change Size to 24 and Font to "Fira Code" under Fonts -> Editor -> Font.
  10. select "Use console font instead of the default", change Font to Fira Code, Size to 20 under Fonts -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Console Font.

Create New Project

  1. LC "Create new project"
  2. change the default location to your personal folder by drop-down the location folder button.-- easy to be found in the future. 
  3. Add Conda environment to Python Interpreter(解析器)
    • Drop-down the project interpreter, select "Existing interpreter"
    • select "Conda Environment"
    • find the "python.exe" under c:\Users\Lewin\Anaconda3\Tools\python.exe
    • select "Make available to all projects" and press OK.
  4. Press "Create" (if the windows firewall blocked, please try to run Pycharm as Administrator)
  5. waite files scanning to index (only the first time)
  6. RC your project"HelloPython"-> New-> Python File
  7. gives a name for your new python project. (Python file= project)





第三方库:程序员积累的库,用于以后使用和分享(third party library)
