Business major emphasis
Finance: more emphasize on the understanding of accounting, financial statements and forecasts
Financial Analysis: can be matched with a lot positions
Risk MGMT: risk analysis, math model
BA: Python, R, Stata, Excel.. no limitation in industries
Supply Chain MGMT: Operation mgmt, critical thinker and very detailed, make operating plans to make sure the best result in the lowest cost and least time
Marketing: Promotion, marketing campaign, social media... marketing analytics: collect and observe customers' behaviors, analyze the data and make decision in the product promotion or markering plans. ex: how many people click on our website?
大数据&Engineering的流行, tech&skill的需求
FE FM: PHD and rich working experience is preferred
Accounting&Financial Analysis: regular investment/financial analyst position preferred. know how to do forecast.
Personal Finance:理财规划,不与投行挂钩。investment strategy for individual
Risk Mgmt: comply with data and analysis. better for students prefer maths and data. Data Analysis ability
Data/Business Analytics: Capable of different industries, Health, energy, finance... But most firms prefer applicants with the experience in same industry. So advise for students: choose the aim industry field and apply the python and analysis knowledge in working. This experience will strengthen the resume in the future.
*selfmarketing in front of employers, practical application of theories
Financial Analyst: more from accounting perspective, such as making budget mgmt, sales and cost mgmt, financial forecasting ... so that the CFO can make better decisions about how to divide the limited budget emphasises. 怎么设置资本结构,融资多少贷款多少才是最优的结构.
Valuation Analyst, Operations Analyst : All belongs to Investment Analyst. In most large scale banks, it is divided by product (Equities, fixed income, derivatives, alternative products) students can search the position on the product bases.
Students can look for valuation analyst position for all products. the skills are also capable for consulting (valuation consultant).
Quant Analyst: not very popular in developed econ countries. Most responsibilities are risk analyzing and trading. prefer phd background.
Financial Advisor and Personal Banker: Analysis, research, portfolio mgmt... need communication skills towards customer, business negotiation, making sales.
BDM Analyst: popular softwares. subject: knowledge of financing products
2. 国际银行里具体业务结构 JP Morgan
Corporate&Investment Bank
Asset Management
3. 投行业务
Front office: direct interation to consumers.
middle office: Analyst, pricing evaluation, reconsulation
Back office: techical
IBD,IPO, 债券发行 一级市场大型市场都是卖方业务, 投行扮演一个承销商的角色。better for sales, mkting
二级市场主要是对已经在市场上的产品进行交易。better for students want to do investing or trading
Product developer, 不论一级二级市场,只要是前端都需要soft skill, presentation skills, mkting sales
后端:phd preferred, hard sklls required
中端:for most undergraduate and have working experience
投行前端: 相关产品的产生和交易,不扮演承销,更多作为advisor, provide product suggestions and make asset management plan based on customer's requirements, risk taken abilities. Asset mgmt includes more functions than portfolio mgmt. It includes customer's liabilities, fixed income...
//financial advisor, asset mgmt analyst, personal banker : require ppl skill
// wealth mgmt research team: phd degree preferred, develop some products, make research
5.私募,风投 职业初期做投资分析师等中端职位,培养市场sense